Advanced echo sounder showing fish influx and volume
Measures the height of the trawl opening, whether the trawl is on the bottom and the distance between the trawl and the bottom
Used in pelagic, bottom trawling as well as Danish/Scottish Seine
Ideal to pair with DoorSensors for showing a simplified trawl geometry
Trawl Sounder
Advanced Echo Sounder
The TrawlSounder is an advanced echo sounder showing the height of the trawl opening, if the trawl is on the seabed and the distance between the trawl and seabed.
It also provides a simplified “sonar” that shows whether there is fish influx and the volume. Choose between “classic view” or “density view” on your Bridge System. Wireless monitoring of the trawl opening and intermediate section of the trawl has become a matter of necessity in many of the world’s fisheries.
Mounted in the belly it shows whether the trawl height is stable, or if a bucket effect is arising and allowing fish to escape. It also shows the volume of fish passing through. Together with a TrawlEye in the opening it is easy to see whether the fish seen entering the opening end up in the cod end.
Trawl Geometry
The TrawlSounder is ideal together with the Door-Sensors and the TrawlSpeed / Symmetry sensor to get full control of the trawl’s geometry